Yup, that's what I need.

April 13, 2003 / 1:36 am

I'm really mad right now. I'm not going to say why i'm mad, because it'll just make me sound like a pathetic piece of shit, but you should know that I'm fucking enraged.

Let's just say that i'm this close to finding a couple boyfriends, you know?

Weekends will be the end of me. I can't handle this waking up at six-thirty in the morning bullshit. I got about two hours of sleep last night, so I ended up passing out on my couch at about five PM and sleeping until almost midnight. It felt really good, but now I can't fall asleep. (Especially without getting any fucking action!)

You know something I discovered though? Locked Livejournals are really good for letting it all out. I'd hate for anyone to ever read anything I say in it, because it's all bitching and moaning and, you know, the kind of stuff that you write because you'd never want to actually say any of it outloud. It feels like my paper journal, but way safer.

Holy shit, I forgot to lock up the last entry and someone just commented on it! I guess it's only safe for people who can actually remember to lock their shit up. Gahhhh!

I feel like I want to stay up for the rest of the night and then fall asleep after work. That totally sucks though. I am so sick of being a night person. I wish I could wake up at six every fucking morning. I can't though. It kills me.

Oh yeah, i'm seriously considering quitting my job and working for UPS. Especiall now that Pawlenty fucked everything up. UPS pays for college and since nobody'll get any financial aid any longer, that'll work. They also have good health insurance, and since any dreams of getting Minnesota Care are out of the window, that'll also work right now. Fucking Pawlenty needs his dick cut off.

Fuck this, I need to She Bop and go to fucking bed.