whatever you're in to

May 14, 2003 / 8:48 pm

Mike just went to work. I called in sick to celebrate. He's going to be moving all of the Christmas decorations out of the Mall of America. He may not get home until six in the morn.

I am going to have a big party with lots of hookers and cocaine.

Okay, maybe not. I'm going to hang out solo, have lots of coffee and perhaps some macaroni and cheese. All in all, a good time will be had by all.

I took my last final of the semester and sold back a shit load of books. I can't believe how much they anally rape you when it comes to buying books back. I have this awesome book, in great condition, called A Poison Stronger Than Love: A Destruction of an Ojibwe Community that they would only give me one dollar for! One dollar! Those rat bastards! That book cost me fifty bucks! I told em to shove it up their ass and gimme my book back. No, really I said "Oh, that's okay, I'll just keep it because it was a really good book." I'm so polite. My mama taught me fine manners. (Hmm...I wonder what happened to Sillers and Tanabug? Heh.

Dawson's Creek is on the television and it's the final episode. What's wrong with me? Why am I able to cry at the drop of a hat? Like, this show is seriously corny and unbelievable. I mean, teenagers DO NOT act like that. But yeah, as soon as Jen went into her little taped conversation to her daughter for the future, I started to get all teary and I had to look at the ceiling so that Mike wouldn't laugh at me. Ughh. What does that say about me other than I'm a complete and total sap?

Something really odd happened to me at my school. I was walking into the building when this cute guy from my Geography class (whom I've never even made eye contact with before) came up to me and said, "What are you doing? We're going to have a drink over at Joe's. You wanna come?" I am so not good with that kind of stuff, you know? Do you think he thought I was someone else?

I think I'm going to start watching Smallvile from the very beginning. Last night Mike and I had an arguement over that Lonna (sp?) chick. I think that she is icky and he thinks that I just "hate all pretty girls". I don't hate pretty girls! I don't even think she's that pretty. I just hate how perfectly poised and soft spoken that broad is at all times. I'm down with Clark's dad, yo. Mmm....he's a good ol' boy to this day.

Ummm...umm.....what else can I say about prime time television? Umm...I don't fucking know.

So what should I do with my alone time other than watching gay porn?

Oh, and I think everyone needs to get their own fotolog.

That is all.