I love school!

2001-11-15 / 1:14 p.m.


So my rent check bounced! Ughh!

I had to borrow three hundred dollars from my baby sister. It's sad, I'm the oldest of four but I feel like the baby. Whenever I'm poor or something my sisters buy me groceries and give me money. I'll pay her back within 2 weeks, I SWEAR!

I'm going to watch the Exorcist today. Yay! I have been wanting to watch that movie forever! Mike hates movies though. This I do not understand. He sits and watches fucking television all damn day long, but he dislikes movies. Ughh. Boys are so fucking stupid it drives me nuts.

I registered for spring semester. I'm so excited! I am going to be taking six classses this semester as opposed to four this semester. I decided to take these classes:

Women in Global Perspective (Yay!)

Intermediate Algebra (Ugghh!)

Personal/Community Health (?!?)

College English 2

Biology of Women (Hell fuck yeah!)

Information Literacy/ Research

I'm so excited for Biology of Women. The class is all about menstruation and menopause, childbirth, infertility, skin in reaction to makeup. It's supposed to have a feminist viewpoint so I am totally excited. The school I am attending offers a Women's Studies Certificate. You have to take 5 classes in women's studies. This semester I am taking Women in Early America and I really dig it. I just turned in my midterm exam yesterday. It was a take home exam but it was so fucking hard! Luckily I never skipped any classes so I had all the information. It took me 7 hours to write it all out though. When I came to class the next day hardly anyone had it completely finished, so I feel good about mine. We were allowed to skip 2 questions and I didn't so that will help my grade.

Today I get to watch a movie in American Radicalism that is about one of0 the Union strikes in Minneaoplis. I guess a shit load of people died during it. I'm psyched! I love learnig about socialism and unions back in the day. We learned about Union Maids last class and that totally kicked ass.

Well I should go home. The boy is probably wondering. He skipped class today. Must be rough.