Cars are coffins and drivers are cocksuckers!

2002-03-22 / 11:25 p.m.

So I just got myself one of those new fangled gold memberships. I uploaded this stupid pic of myself and it's like 100 times too big. I wish I knew what the fuck I was doing!! Oh well. Metallica is on VH1! I used to love Metallica! (Sad but true... HAHA! Get it? Sad But True.. you know.. oh god never mind! sorry!) Mike is flipping through that damn devil's box and now he is watching South Park. I don't know about you but I really cannot stand that stupid show. I think I liked it like the first year it was on but fuck. It's so totally stupid white boy humor. I really dug that one when they mocked starving African kids. It must be great to be so fucking "detached" that you think that kind of shit is funny. I swear to fucking god that I am going to go insane soon. I always thought that I would end up one of those old ladies that never leave their house. I may have to start sooner than that. (Like next week.) I really can't handle people. I just want to puke sometimes. Drivers are really doing it the most lately. They bring out this rage in me that is really quite surprising. It's like they piss me off so much that for a brief time I wish I had a fucking gun in my pocket that I could reach for and USE on them. (I know it's horrible, but it's the fucking truth. I'm getting a little enraged right now just thinking of them. It could be 100 fucking below and you could be an osteoporosis victim of 80 years of age and those fuckers would speed up to not let you cross the street before they made it past you. Fuckers. Cars shouldn't even be allowed. I fucking swear. Does anyone know where I could move to that doesn't have so many fucking cars? I'm telling you the truth-they drive me nuts!

(Oh man I just flew off the handle. My heart is even racing a bit. I seem to have worked myself up a bit. Sorry!)