It's the same old thing that they say about me!

2002-04-11 / 12:03 a.m.

I should be writing about menopause. Fascinating as it is, I cannot make myself do it right now. I am going to make myself wake up early tommorow morning and stress out about doing it. YAY!!!!

It is thundering outside. I love it. I almost want to go outside and take a walk but I'm too lazy.

Today I got in a little IM fight with some stupid guy. I hate it when guys instant message me and say shit like, "hey u got a pic?" It's like HULLO......neeed some jack off material or something????? So in my profile I say something like: "If you're some stupid horny guy dont bother messaging me because I hate you." This deters nobody of course. This guy asked me how old I was and I said that I was 76. He says "yeah right...blah-blah-blah!" and whatever. Eventually he says something stupid like I must not be able to have an orgasm then. It really pissed me off because who the fuck is he??? Plus I'm sure a 76 year old women can fucking cum please! He was just so stupid too, it drove me crazy! Eventually he OF COURSE started calling me a stupid, ugly, whore, bitch. Oh and I guess I need to get laid too??????? Oh but it was pretty much a blast! Sometimes I really enjoy a good argument!!!! Lots of my past friendships have involved a lot of that DRAMA! (I love you Ronica!)

I'm listening to Lil' Kim right now. It's fun cuz when me and the hubby do homework we listen to our CD's on random. Lots of grrl rawk and gangsta rap! (Sometimes we agree... Lil'Kim, Mary J. Blige, etc.) It sucks though because his stupid songs are like three times as long as mine.

I didn't have nearly enough coffee today.

"Well then have some."
