i neeed sleep. can you tell?

March 27, 2003 / 3:50 am

For some reason, I kind of enjoy being broke as a joke. There is something really satisfying in only have twenty dollars to your name, and still managing to buy food, gas, and whatever else is needed for a two day period.

What the hell am I talking about? I hate being broke because then i'm unable to buy as much food and snacks and things to munch on as i'd like. I only allowed myself ONE rootbeer today. Life's a bitch.

I got the second issue of Teen Vogue today. I have to admit that I love Teen Vogue more than life itself. I don't even really know how to explain how much I adore it. Ok, i'll try. I really like that it is smaller in size than most magazines. It's like a little miniature magazine! I really dig teen magazines, but I fucking hate the advice articles and those stupid "most embarrassing moments" pages that ALWAYS seem to find themselves in most teen magazines. Teen Vogue is all fashion, and that's the shit. I swear that i'm going to keep all of my Teen Vogues forever.

God Bless Teen Vogue.

Ok, i'll shut the fuck up about it now. (I can't help it though.)

Mike's sleeping on the couch, and that usually irks me because I feel like i'm missing out on a chance to get laid. I'm on the rag though, and i'm still kind of crampy, and that's one of the only times I'm not down with the ol' bam bam. So I guess i'm saying that he can just go on and sleep, who gives a fuck.

Lord, can you tell that it is almost four in the morning? I have class at one thirty and I just know that i'm gonna wanna skip. I can't though. I skip too much.

I'm trying to make "God Bless _____" the new catch phrase. I just think it sounds cool. Try it.

Hey, I always dream about driving. The thing is, I'm definitly what you would call a NON DRIVER. I do NOT drive. Helll no! Anyways, in my dreams, the car is almost always out of control. I'm speeding down the road and the brakes do not work and sometimes i'm even in the wrong seat. Once in a while, when I dream the "driving dream", i'm actually doing okay. The thing about these dreams are that i'm super worried that a copper is gonna pull me over. Isn't that funny? What do you think that is all about?

Do you ever have flying dreams? I've had em a couple times and they are the scariest but coolest dreams EVER! I think I like flying dreams even more than sex dreams! Oh hey! Once I had a flying dream that resulted in an orgasm! What the fuck is that all about? It was crazy, now that I remember, I was going under these telephone wires and suddenly BAM. Oooh and once I dreamt that I flew through a grocery store and picked out a birthday card for someone.

I'm going to go to bed now and maybe i'll have a flying dream! I'll even settle for a sex dream! Hah!