if her theories are correct....

April 09, 2003 / 3:35 am

The window is wide open and it is cold as a witches tit in here. I'd close it but i'm ashamed to say that I have no idea how to work my windows.

Don't tell but I also have problems figuring out my remote control. Do you remember the problems Ozzy had with his remote? That's me, except Ozzy's remote was all new-fangled and shit. How did I get on this subject? Oh yeah.

I spent about three hours trying to get my poor Sims Online to work. I ended up having to reinstall it and it sucked so many dicks, I can't even get in to it right now. Don't fret though, because I managed to make it on. I even updated Ms. Rocio's LJ. The links over <------ there, dude. Don't tease her though, she's having man problems.

I'm going to go eat some french bread smothered in butter before it gets hard as a rock.