I'm gonna have you nekkid by the end of this....entry

May 03, 2003 / 6:53 am

I love that, now, whenever I get an email, I hear the choir singing "Hallelujah". It's fucking perfect!

Oooh, guess what? Mike has an interview at UPS on Tuesday! I think it's so cool because they give you a buncha benefits for working part time. We may be able to get medical insurance even! It's strange. Medical insurance doesn't feel very American. Oh man, I hope he gets it SO badly. If he gets it, I'll have the house to myself from 5-9 pm. Sweet dear jeebus, please make it come true.

Well, I should be getting ready for work. I can't wait to get there so that I can drink copius amounts of coffee. Maybe I'll have something besides Eggs Benedict this morning even. Nah, fuck that. Why mess with a good thing, right?

PS: Do you think David Blaine is good in bed?