May 08, 2003 / 6:52 pm

He just left to try this whole "getting a job" thing again. Please everyone pray to whatever you want to let him find the god damn place. DO NOT ask me why we didn't check it out before hand. DO NOT.

Hopefully I'll be able to have the next two hours to myself. I really wanna watch Survivor, listen to the entire Justin Timberlake album, and then be really really happy when he comes home with a job. A job with health insurance even. Health insurance is such an unfamiliar thing for me, I won't know what to do.

If you want a laugh, you should go read my notes. I'm having so much fun! Yay for assholes that don't remain anonymous!

UPDATE: Okay, he left over an hour ago. That means he made it, right? YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA! Oh shit, I didn't jinx myself just then, did I? Only one more hour left to wait to find out!