
July 13, 2003 / 3:48 pm

Dear Mrs. Melaleuca who sat at one of my prime booths (one that seats 6 people) for five hours today so that you could meet with three seperate women:

First of all, and most importantly, do you even realize how much money you cost me today? In the amount of time that you sat and tried to win those women over with your fucked up pyramid scam, I could have made a considerable amount of money. Also, when you say, "Oh I am going to give you a big tip because you have been really great and I know I took up your table all day.", maybe you should actually do it. Eight piddly dollars does NOT make up for five hours of missed tables. I'm glad you could work and be productive by basically stealing from me. I hope your fucking Melaleuca shampoo burns your eyes out you miserable cunt. I hate you!!!!



(That awesome server you had today who kept your fucking water filled up to the brim and checked on you constantly even though she was cussing you up a storm in her head.)

Oh and PS: Remember that old man in a red tie that yelled at you and asked you what the hell you were doing in the booth for so long? You remember, the one that waved his cane in your face? Well, he's my fucking superman because he was a decent person that thought about someone other than himself. I hope you choke when you brush your teeth with that nasty Melaleuca toothpaste you horrible cocksucker.