
July 18, 2003 / 9:01 pm

Today has been quite a day.

My boss called me and told me that my place of employment had a fire and that we were going to be closed for three weeks. I started to freak the fuck out because my rent is late and I have to save money for my reunion on the 30th, right?

I was like, "Okay, maybe my tax check will be deposited in my account. I know I can't be that lucky, but you never know." I was all ready for the defeat I knew I was going to be feeling. I checked my account and BAM!, the money was deposited today! I have just enough in my account to cover the rent and about five hundred dollars in paychecks and my other tax check to cover any other expenses and my reunion. I'm going to have to be really thrifty for awhile, but I'm so fucking psyched! I don't have to get up at six tommorow to go to work!!! Or the day after!!!

I'm also going to file for unemployment benefits so that I can pay next month's rent.

We just had to celebrate by signing up for the Big Brother live feed. Now it's Big Brother time ALL THE TIME! Joy!

Try to mess with me right now! Do it!