Charles' pants

2002-04-25 / 12:31 a.m.

I am braving my messed up computer to give you this message. You can thank me later if you want.

I have a crush on this boy named Charles at my work. Sometimes people call him Chuck but for some reason this does not turn me off. Anyways he is tall and dorky looking with a shaved head. He brings a boom box into my work to listen to Twins games. He is going to school to be a teacher. I am telling you this not because I am madly in love with this guy. That is not the case. I just think he so cute and I had a dream about him last night. I dreamt that he and I were in his room. (Unfortunatly nothing fun came of this...and after all the lack of sex dreams bitching i've been doing lately. Shucks!) All I really remember is that I admired his black pants. I remember thinking, "Goodness those pants look absolutely great on him." Funny, huh? Oh did I mention his father is a cop but sometimes he will come in the basement and smoke pot with us?