Jenny Jones is on my shit list!

2002-04-12 / 4:27 p.m.

You know who I wish would die? Jenny mother fucking Jones. That women is such a fucking cunt!!!! Why does she always solicit teenage scantily clad sluts to be on her show? It's so fucking offensive. It really should be illegal! I mean I have absolutely nothing against teenage scantily clad sluts (believe me!) but talk about being exploited! "Come on the Jenny Jones show and we will dress you in the BEAUTIFUL slutty clothes that we have on hand especially for these weekly shows." Oooh I swear if I even ran into that bitch on the street.... What is it about talk show hosts that just ooze sleaze???

Jenny Jones.....

makes me hot!
is a horrible human being!
is terribly offensive to me!
has such cute hair!
deserves to suffer a long and painful death!

Mmmmm... I am eating almond m&m's! Fucking yum!