it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes... (oh sorry!)

July 22, 2002 / 9:59 pm

Someone found my diary by searching on Yahoo for cock sucking sims.

Okay then.

I love the days when I don't leave my house at all. I'm still in my nightgown too! I spent the day eating double chocolate chunk cookies and watching lame episodes of Frasier and Friends. It was grand.

The boy and I have been doing really good on not smoking as much pot lately. I haven't smoked very much today at all. Are you proud?

I fucking need some mashed potatoes in a bad way. If you were to make me some delicious spuds, all creamy and buttery, I'd be prepared to offer you almost anything you want. Wait! I'm not giving up my cat though.

I asked Mike to get me a candy bar and he chose a Whatchamacallit. Ewww. I fucking hate peanut butter. I remember being really little and taking handfuls of peanut butter and eating it in my bedroom. (I was always hungry as a child. Still am actually.) Once my dad walked in and I quickly put my hand under my pillow. What a mess.

Isn't it funny remembering things that happened when you were really little? I swear I remember things that happened before my other siblings were born and I was only an only child for a year and a half. It's funny because now I can't remember what I did yesterday. Must be the pot. (Oh really Kim? Do you think so?)

Soon my Jem videos will come in the mail and you will never hear from me again. *sigh*

Shit! I only have fifteen minutes until I have to turn this over to Mike.

Fuck a bunch of this shit!