ramble on kim:

July 02, 2002 / 1:42 am

I am having the biggest macaroni and cheese craving ever. (Thank gosh for easy mac, huh?) I'm such a stupid food person. My stomache has full control of me. When I was younger I used to get lots of shit from the family for being such a piglet. I'd sneak downstairs at night and eat every single good thing in the house. I especially liked chocolate cream pies and cheese.

(Fuck the luck! My easy mac is a bit crunchy! It's the last package too! I guess my stupid ass will just have to eat it. My stomache won't let me throw it away.)

You know what I really hate? Turning on the television and seeing disgusting old men dating hot chicks. Is that really realistic? Are models super attracted to ugly men?

My life would be so complete if I could have this doll.

I'll suck your dick. Pretty please?