fuck off short description

April 24, 2003 / 3:48 pm

Sometimes I feel really fucking stupid. No, I know that a lot of people have times when they feel dumb, but I really, really, REALLY feel like a jackass sometimes.

Like today for instance. You see, I smoke way too much pot for my good. This is my little anti-drug plug, okay? Pot makes you fucking stupid. (Well smoking all day long will at least.)

I always lose shit. Today my husband was about to leave and get gas and la di da, and I couldn't find my fucking money. I tore up my house, cried, screamed, swore that I was never going to smoke pot again, and finally decided to go walk the ten blocks to my car (I'll tell that story later!) to see if I had dropped my money in the car. The money wasn't in the car so I just sat in it for a good half hour being all "Woah is me!", right? Then I see my husband walking up to the car with his thumbs up. He found the money under my cleaning tray (go fucking figure!!!!) which was sitting on my coffee table.

What the fuck????

My apartment is fucking tore up. I have couch cushions strewn this way and that and the money was on the fucking coffee table.

I am so not smoking pot any more. Ughhhh!

So yeah, you wanna know why my car is parked ten blocks away? It really enrages me, actually. My husband came and picked me up after work last night at around one in the morning. Minneapolis is cleaning the streets, or some shit, so all of the streets around my apartment building are "no parking". I was so pissed last night that I even emailed the city of Minneapolis and went off on them about how I could have been raped, and what if some old lady couldn't find a place to park?

No fuck you, I'm telling you it's unreasonable to not have a place to park ANYWHERE in your neighborhood. Minneapolis only wants to make a bunch of money towing people's cars anyway. The streets don't need to be cleaned! I even saw some guy trying to find a place to park with a bunch of groceries in his car! That's so fucked up. Fuckers.

Okay, I'm finished bitching.

Actually, no. You know what else pisses me off? Fucking Maury Povich pisses me off. He's having one of those shows where they bring on some chick that doesn't know the father of her child, so they test a bunch of people. Don't you think that that should be fucking illegal? Do you think it's fair that those kids have to be humiliated? I hate how people get off on watching other's suffering. I think people that actually enjoy watching those kinds of shows, or like COPS, should be drug into the street and shot repeatedly. Seriously. It really chaps my hide.

Ooh, I'm going to go get fucking stoned as HELL now.