Cross your fingers!

2002-04-06 / 6:45 a.m.

Oh I am so bad! It is 6:45 and I was supposed to be at work at 6:30. I seriously thought I didn't work until 7:30 or 8:30 so when I got up this morning I called in to check. Gina said, "No Kim you started at 6:30!" Ergg! Do you notice I am not rushing? Well I take the bus so it's not like I can really rush too much. Lord. I hope it doesn't end up getting too busy for her. She is the only one on yet. Oops!

My back hurts! I hate waitressing. Think I'll make any money today??? Cross your fingers! Think i'll tell off some fuckwit today?? Cross your fingers! (What a joyous thought!!!!)