not again.....shut up already!

June 07, 2002 / 7:32 pm

If you loved me, even a litte bit, you'd go take this survey that I made. I want to know all the stupid little details about you. Like what your hair looks like. Care to share?

It is so hot and humid today. It's fucking disgusting. It rained for a bit and then it went away. Hubby and I went for a walk to get coffee (for me) and iced chai (for him.) We walked around the block and I wished for a second that I still smoked ciggies so I could sit on my stoop and smoke one. That wish went away pretty fast. Thankfully.

In case any of you wonder how my job is treating me, it still sucks. I've yet to meet this new manager whom probably thinks I'm a fucking thief. There will be a meeting on Sunday and we will all discuss the recent thefts that have been going on. Two co-workers had their check cards stolen from them. I'm bummed because for the two years that I have worked there, we haven't had any problems with personal thefts. Someone even stole a girl's shoes. I really need to get the hell out of that place.

I am totally in the mood for some shortcake. Fuckshitdamn! Why am I not a fantastic chef or baker?

I am getting really fucking sick of people thinking that I am too sensitive. Don't get so emotional! or Why do you take everything sooo seriously? Fuck off! Why are people so disgusting anyways? Oh, not you darlings....those other fuckwads!

I think that Btchelicious is so delightfully mean. Mmm.