Alright STOP. Collaborate and listen.

January 16, 2003 / 3:36 am

Alright fuckers! I am psyched that you want to trade mixes with random people brought together by me- sweet, dear pizza hater.

So these are the people that have expressed an interest in the trade:

alien-he C,C
asteroidbelt C,C
colorbars E,T
tuff517 C,E
sillers E,C
manukenkun E,T
ivy-says E,T
streetfaerie C,T
tincan815 C,C
ladygoodman E,T
onegotaway E,E
sera1231 C,C
facepunch C,T
sinistermo5 T,T

See those lil letters behind the names? They stand for what kind of mix you want to get and make. (In that order.) C stands for CD, T stands for tape, and E stands for either. (I cant believe I just explained that!) If the info I put after your name is wrong or if you don't have any info listed then let me know yo.

I don't think that this is enough people though. Some more of you have got to want to trade with us. It doesn't have to be a cd even, mixtapes are so much more punk rock anyways. Goddamn it!

So this is what i'm thinking, okay? I'm gonna wait day is it? Okay.......let's say.....the 20th, which is a Monday, before I draw names for everyone. Then i'll tell you who you get and then VOILA you can go look through your old New Kids on the Block albums. (If you get me-PLEASE DO THAT!!!!!)

I think that since this is my little project I should be able to make up a rule though, what do you think? I think that everyone should pick a theme for their mix.

THEN whenever you get your mix and have a chance to blare it for a bit you have to say something in your diary about it. And if you don't post the playlist then I will be really mad at you.

Oh, I suppose I should say that if you ever wanna wuss out on this then please tell me QUICK QUICK QUICK because wouldn't it be sad to picture a sad diarylander waiting for their mix to come and it never does??? If you dont wanna do it I could maybe GET MY MOM to make the mix OR MY HUSBAND! Or I guess I could make it. But that would suck. I'll find someone so don't fret about backing out on the plan because I do that kind of shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

Holy capitilization batman.

EDIT: I totally forgot to ask you what kind of mix you want to make and recieve. (They can be different. Like maybe you can only make a tape but you want to get a cd.) Let me know so I can keep that in mind when it comes to drawing names. Let me know by Monday y'all or i'll hound your fucking asses. Okay?