
2001-12-20 / 10:19 p.m.

Well I took my last final. My first semester of college is over. I think I did kind of shitty on my algebra final yesterday. Oh well though. I feel good probably getting a B in the class. I would have loved to be able to say I got an A though. Especially considering how fucking scared I was before I started this school thing.

My American Radicalism final was today. Oh my gosh- you wouldn't believe how many people cheated! It blew my mind! One stupid stupid girl that always bugs me in class because she giggles and talks to her friends during lectures. She wrote out her final ahead of time and had the gal to hand it in only 20 minutes into the final. See our professor makes us write an essay. We had to do 2 questions about the left movement. Each essay was supposed to be about one page long. I'm sorry but it takes alot longer to write a paper than 20 minutes. It just totally disgusted me. Why even pay for college if you don't want to learn anything? So many people cant go to school and these people waste their education. Fuck that. Fuck "keggers" and all that shit. I swear people make me sad. I wish I was a hermit.